The following are the current theme options for Wildfire.
Stone Theme Animated GIF
Stone: A modern responsive theme. Pages fill the whole window. No banner or background images are supported. Main menu stays fixed at top when scrolling up and down page.
Horizontal Line
Surf Theme Animated GIF
Surf: This is a responsive full width theme, with condensed horizontal menubar. Login link is placed in the footer section. The header region stays fixed at the top when the page is scrolled up or down. There is no logo option but sitename is supported.
Horizontal Line
Tide Theme Animated GIF
Tide: A modern responsive theme. Pages fill the whole window. No banner or background images are supported. Main menu hides when you scroll down a page, and returns when you scroll back to the top.
Horizontal Line
Tower Theme Animated GIF
Tower: This is a responsive full width theme, with a vertical menubar which can be accessed using the hamburger icon. The header region stays fixed at the top when the page is scrolled up or down. Sitename and logo are supported.
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